Pearl Corbin, Chair, is one of the founding members of The Life Team, NY, a collaborative pro-life work of Christians from both Evangelical and Catholic traditions. She is actively involved in sharing the message of life, particularly among fellow evangelical pastors and believers. Ms. Corbin believes that one of the greatest reasons death and destruction run rampant throughout our land is a direct result of our nation’s practice of shedding innocent blood in the womb. Ms. Corbin, a native New Yorker, spent 16 years in Asia, conducting leadership and discipleship training among house churches in the Peoples Republic of China, and eventually throughout Southeast Asia, laboring in nations such as the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Macao. Sis. Pearl also founded AICHINA Inc. in Hong Kong and the USA, which extended God’s love to special needs babies and children, abandoned in the north-central region of mainland China, from 1996 through 2014. As someone with ‘hands-on’ experience and a long-term commitment to missions, Sister Pearl is sought after as a keynote speaker in conferences & training seminars across the US and internationally. She is honored to have the opportunity to serve on the board of Expect Hope.

Jeannette Sepulveda, Vice Chair, is the mother of an eleven year old son and has raised him as a single parent over the last nine years. She teaches preschool at Hostos Community College Children’s Center. She has been teaching since 2013. Jeannette attends The City College of New York, and is pursuing a double major Bachelor’s in Childhood Education and English. She attends Crossroads Tabernacle in the Bronx, and serves in the Sunday School Ministry. Jeannette has an intimate knowledge of the need her community has for Expect Hope. She was once an expectant mother who faced an unplanned pregnancy. As a part of Expect Hope, Jeannette is able to reach out to mothers who might think that no one understands what they are going through in a personal and effective way.

Marsha Elliot, Secretary, gave her heart to the Lord at the age of 19. God’s love has patiently directed her through the years despite her weaknesses and imperfections. Marsha and her husband James are the parents of 3 grown children and have 4 wonderful grandchildren. She supported her husband for over ten years as he pastored More Than Conqueror’s Ministries in Queens, N.Y. Marsha has an undergraduate psychology degree from Hampton University and a master’s in social work from Columbia University. She recently retired from the New York City Department of Education after 30 years of service. She went on to become an assistant principal and principal of middle and elementary schools in the South Bronx. Her last position in the Department of Education was as Senior Administrator of School Culture and Climate. In this role, she helped train administrators, teachers, and staff to provide a safe and supportive school environment. In January 2019 the Lord gave Marsha a life-changing revelation of the horrors of abortion and that her calling was to champion the sanctity of life and the preciousness of every baby, born and preborn. This “for the rest of my life” calling has led her to the honor of being a member of the Expect Hope board.

Dr. Edward Prins is a Senior Attending physician at Hackensack University Medical Center. He is the President and Director of Summit Avenue Medical, Hackensack where he has practiced internal medicine for over thirty years. Part of his career involved donating his services to treating economically disadvantaged patients in the HUMC medical clinic. In 2012, he led a medical missions team in El Salvador, ministering to families in local villages. He has served on various church boards and is currently on the board of trustees at Calvary Chapel North Jersey. He and his wife Beth reside in Hawthorne, New Jersey. They have five children and ten grandchildren. Proverbs 21:11 says, “If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered.” Dr. Prins believes God calls each one of us to respond to the cries of the needy, especially innocent children. Serving on the board of Expect Hope is one way that he can follow the heart of God.

Matthew Gawronski and his wife Kristi are blessed with three children, Cole, Savannah, and Jude. At Church of the Good Shepherd in Ozone Park NY, Matthew serves as the choir director, and high school Sunday school teacher, and assists in other music ministries. Matthew is a full-time music teacher, composer as well as a digital resource creator for several different e-commerce websites. Matthew is a Hofstra University alumni and holds two master’s degrees in music education as well as administration and educational technology. This diverse life and educational experiences are now channeled to expanding the online presence and social media messaging of Expect Hope, sharing the message and ministry with others around the world.

Issac Kuo, Non-Board Member - Treasurer, and his wife have five children (one boy and four girls) with the newest arrival on July 20, 2020. Issac serves on the Board of the Church of the Good Shepherd in Ozone Park Queens and has been involved in teaching Sunday School and the youth ministry there for over 15 years. Professionally Issac is a Managing Director in Parametric’ fixed income group. Issac holds a Bachelors of Science in Mathematics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Master of Accounting Degree from the Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is a member of the Municipal Analyst Group of New York and is a CPA as well as a CFA charterholder.